What’s your podcast doing this summer?
Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash
You are ready for a well-deserved break this summer - but what about your podcast?
Consistency is key in podcasting. A regular publishing pattern supports audience growth. So, if you are taking a break to catch some sun, it's a good idea to have a plan in place to ensure your show continues to thrive while you’re away.
Here are some ways you can plan ahead and get your podcast working for you while the sun shines…
Batch recording
Start pre-recording and editing episodes now so you can schedule them while you are away. Your listeners won’t even realise you are gone!
Create shorts
Check your podcast host data and take the top five most popular episodes. Go back into the audio and create short versions of these episodes choosing the very best bits from each. Schedule these ahead of time as ‘best of….’ episodes.
Create a summer series
Is there a topic you always wanted to go deeper on? Now is your time. Pre-record some episodes on that topic and promote it as a summer series. You could even get creative and try something new in these episodes - if your podcast is usually solo, perhaps try some interviews or maybe create a 5minute round-up of your topic with new production.
Ask extra questions
If you have guests lined up between now and when you go away, why not ask them some quick-fire questions at the end of your interview. Save this audio and release it as bonus content during the week’s you will be away.
Find a guest host
Do you know someone who could take over your show for a few weeks? If its another podcaster and your audiences are similar perhaps you could return the favour for them when they are away. Also a neat way of drawing on each other’s audiences as you switch between the shows.
Take a break (bear with me…)
So maybe you do just want to go off-air for a few weeks. Maybe you want to think about some new content or a new direction. All good. Just make sure your regular listeners know you are intending to stop for a few weeks and let them know when you will be back. Then do your future self a huge favour and batch record two or three episodes (they can be short). Cheat podfade by having these episodes ready to go in September.
Why is this important again?
Regularly releasing episodes builds trust with your audience and helps establish a loyal following. Failing to maintain a consistent schedule, especially during the summer months, can lead to a decline in listenership and engagement. By planning ahead and ensuring your podcast continues uninterrupted, you demonstrate your dedication to your audience and give them a reason to stay subscribed.
Need a hand planning, editing or scheduling your podcast? Get In Touch!